The Committee of the Supervisor of the Year 2021/2022 award has decided to grant Honourable Mentions to outstanding supervisors across Chalmers departments alongside the main award. The Chalmers Doctoral Students Guild is therefore proud to announce the silhouettes of the Winner, finalists, and the distinguished, Honourably Mentioned supervisors across Chalmers departments.
Electrical Engineering
Torbjörn Thiringer

“Torbjörn delivers independent and confident researchers by bringing out the full potential of each student.”
Department of Physics
Aleksandar Matic

“You never have to feel afraid of failing or making a mistake when you work with Aleks. That is a part of the process and it’s alright to make mistakes.”
Biology and Biological Engineering
Verena Siewers

“She is well aware of how important networking is in (academic) research and encourages her students to establish their own professional network”
Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology
Magnus Rydén

“His humility, wisdom, sincere support, and extensive cooperation in both scientific and personal developments motivated us.”
Technology Management and Economics
Ingrid Johansson Mignon

“Not only is she engaged, motivated and knowledgeable, but she also has PhD Students’ best interests in mind.”
Microtechnology and Nanoscience
Anton Frisk Kockum

“He encourages us to keep on going even when we do not believe in ourselves, which ultimately always leads us to grow.”
Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology
Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen

“She consistently makes her students feel heard and understood in a way that many people, especially those in the hard sciences, can lack.”
Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology
Martin Persson

“Martin is an exceptionally supportive and thoughtful supervisor who challenges us to grow as researchers and people, by treating us as colleagues, and with respect and kindness, along the way.”
Industrial and Material Science
Gauti Asbjörnsson

“As a supervisor, Gauti fosters a strong team environment where we see many of our solutions being built up by inputs from all involved. It makes for a great working environment and leads to better results in the end.”