Who is the DOMB?

Doctoral studies at Chalmers take a long time (4-5 years) and are quite stressful, making high demands of students (three years of research time, one year of course studies, and up to one year of teaching). It is not unusual, therefore, for doctoral students at Chalmers to encounter institutional and personal problems and obstacles during the course of their studies which can pause a threat to their progress and even harm to their health. Common problems include problems with supervision (e.g. inappropriate or abusive supervision), harassment, disability, stress, personal study plans (e.g. institutional duties) and much more. Moreover, such problems rarely arise alone, but are interconnected: for example, supervision problems may give rise to stress that may give rise to sick leave.

To help doctoral students complete their doctoral studies, the DS has a representative tasked with helping students in such situations. The doctoral students’ representative, or Doctoral Ombudsman (DOMB), helps individual PhD students with problems that may arise in the course of their research or employment. One of these problems can be abusive academic supervision, of which some examples can be found here. The DOMB is employed directly by the DS board and is therefore independent, unbound and neutral. Strict DOMB-student confidentiality is provided. Therefore, if you have any problems related to your PhD education, tiny or huge, contact the DOMB for individual help.

Pascale Blyth is our DOMB. Pascale lives a short flight away in Helsinki, Finland, and works both remotely and on campus at least once a month (read the interview with Pascale here). Meetings can therefore be arranged at short notice online, in person when she is on campus, and by coming to student drop-in sessions at the Kårhuset. In addition, the DOMB meets students informally over lunch/fika in their departments and speaks at department and introduction days — to ask about PhD rules and discuss potential PhD pitfalls and more in an informal setting.

How do I get in touch with the DOMB?

To arrange a meeting, contact Pascale by:

Email: domb@dokt.chs.chalmers.se

(always available, same day reply, call in case of emergency)


Text +46 707 839 825 (same day reply)


Call Pascale directly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 12:00 and 13:00.

Phone number: +46 707 839 825 (Messages may also be left on voicemail outside those times if not available.)

Pascale’s next IRL sessions will be on June 17 and 18 2024. Reach out to her via mail to book a time or come during the drop-in on June 18, 15:00 to 16:30 in room 2210 Veras Lounge at TME.