Nominate Your Supervisor for the “Supervisor of the Year 2023/2024” Award!
It’s that exciting time of the year again! We invite you to nominate your supervisor for the esteemed title of “Supervisor of the Year 2023/2024.”
The “Supervisor of the Year” award recognizes a supervisor at Chalmers who has consistently met supervision standards and demonstrated genuine commitment and concern for the welfare and growth of their PhD students. The award will be presented by the Rector during the PhD ceremony in spring 2024.
If you believe your supervisor is deserving of this honor, please send us their name(s) along with a motivation letter (approximately 2000 words). Ensure you include the names of all members (current PhD students and those who graduated within the past year) who support the nomination.
Deadline for Nominations: December 31, 2023.
Send Nominations to:
Important Notes on the Nomination Procedure:
Eligibility: Any doctoral student (current student and those who graduated within the past year) can nominate their supervisor. A supervisor is defined as the main or co-supervisor listed in your ISP document. Nominations for individuals other than your supervisors will not be accepted.
Endorsement Requirement: Each nomination must have at least two endorsers who are/were doctoral students under the nominated supervisor. At the end of the motivation letter, please list the names of all endorsers, their Chalmers email IDs, and their digital signatures (optional).
Guidelines for the “Supervisor of the Year” Motivation Letter:
For your nomination of “Supervisor of the Year 2023/2024,” submit a motivation letter of up to 2000 words. Here and in our poster, we highlight a “Wheel of Supervision” based on 8 key assessment criteria for supervision. We encourage you to address these criteria in your letter, as they will also play a crucial role in the final evaluation of nominees.
These criteria include:
- Teamwork: How your supervisor has enhanced your ability to work collaboratively.
- Conflict Resolution/Mediation: Examples of your supervisor’s role in resolving conflicts or mediating disputes.
- Personal Coaching: The ways in which your supervisor has provided personal guidance and support.
- Problem Solving: How your supervisor has helped you develop problem-solving skills.
- Planning: Your supervisor’s influence on your ability to plan and organize work.
- Networking: The role your supervisor has played in expanding your professional network.
- Career Possibilities: Guidance provided by your supervisor regarding career opportunities and growth.
- Teaching: The impact of your supervisor on your teaching skills and approach.
Your motivation letter should reflect on these aspects, providing a view of your supervisor’s role in your development. We look forward to receiving your thoughtful and detailed submissions
Selection Process: After the nomination deadline, the “Supervisor of the Year Selection Committee” will review all submissions and shortlist finalists. Interviews will be conducted with the nominated supervisors, endorsing students, and, in some cases, other referees of the nominated supervisor. The committee will then recommend a finalist to the rector for the award. Upon the rector’s approval, the winner will be announced.

Need More Information?
If you have questions, feel free to contact the selection committee.
Handling Complaints:
Any complaints that cannot be resolved at the selection committee level will be referred to the DS board for consideration. The DS board’s decision will be final.
Addressing Conflicts of Interest:
All members of the selection committee must disclose any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the selection process where such conflicts exist.