Doktorandsektionen invites you to an online workshop series for PhD students: “Navigate academia and maximize your potential”.
The series is designed as a full process to equip you with tools to:
- Grow your self-leadership to maximize your potential and navigate academia
- Improve your sleep and implement healthy habits
- Develop strategies to manage your stress and grow resilience
- Build a manifesto as a roadmap for your personal and professional development
The series is comprised of 4 interactive online workshops each having prep-work and dedicated time to work on the manifesto:
- Pre-work + work with the manifesto (~25-40 mins)
- 29th of October 13:00-14:30 – Self-leadership
- Pre-work + work with the manifesto (~25-40 mins)
- 12th of November 13:00-14:30 – Sleep and Healthy Habits
- Pre-work + work with the manifesto (~25-40 mins)
- 19th of November 13:00-14:30 – Personal Wellbeing and Maximizing Potential in Academia
- Work with the manifesto (~25-40 mins)
- 3rd of December 13:00-14:30 – Manifesto sharing

The workshop series is facilitated by Dear Academia and your hosts will be in the order of appearance:
- Dr Mette Sjöberg Anthonsen, Executive coach, PCC http://www.imparo.se/
- Dr Frida Rångtell, Sleep educator – https://www.slumra.nu/
- Dr Déborah Rupert, Wellbeing and career coach – https://www.deborahrupert.com/
An illustrative version of the program can be found in the attachment as well.
You can sign up here.
Warm welcome!
Mette, Frida & Déborah
Dear Academia, for a healthy academic work environment.