It’s time to nominate Your Supervisor to the honorable prize of “Supervisor of the year”. The prize is a fine academic merit awarded by the rector at the promotion ceremony on the 12th of May. If you think that your supervisor deserves this award, please send us his/her name together with a motivation … The motivation can/should include, among other info:

  • Role in supervision, i.e., supervisor, co-supervisor, etc…
  • How many PhD students is the supervisor currently supervising? How many graduated PhDs has had him/her as supervisor? (In case of multiple undersigned nominations, state the role of the supervisor for each under signature).
  • Describe in short the progress of your thesis. (Are you admitted to licentiate or doctoral degree?)
  • Describe your introduction to Chalmers, the department and the research subject.
  • Are you encouraged to take part in conferences or do research abroad and to what extent?
  • Describe the supervisor’s research activities and other responsibilities.
  • In what way does the supervisor support you teaching? To what extent does he/she teach?
  • Describe the supervision style – what could be beneficial for other supervisors? What makes him/her different or special?
  • Describe the social environment in the research group.

The nomination should be written in English. Please send your nomination to no later than the 16th of December 2011.