The aim of this page is to provide contact information to all the PhD councils at the different departments at Chalmers. If you have information not yet present here, or if you see outdated information, please do Contact us .

Department PhD Council's WebsiteChair
Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)ACE PhD councilAli Esmaeeli
Chemistry (K) and Life Sciences (LIFE)()Chemistry and Life Science PhD council (K & Life)Yingxiao Yan
Communication and Learning in Science (CLS)- Marie Vander Borght
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)CSE PhD Council Krishna Ronanki
Electrical Engineering (E2)E2 PhD student councilMattia De Lazzari
Industrial and Materials Science (IMS)IMS PhD councilChristina Lee
Mathematical Sciences (MV)Mathematical Sciences PhD CouncilGeorg Huppertz
Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2)M2's PhD student councilEric Landström Voortman
Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2)MC2 PhD councilAriadna Soro Álvarez
Physics (F)Chalmers Physics PhD Student Council (CPPC)Athanasios (Thanos) Theodoridis
Space, Earth and Environment (SEE) SEE PhD council Francisco Javier Triana de las Heras
Technology Management and Economics (TME)TME PhD CouncilCarolin Behrens


*  A part of a combined department council

** Does not have a PhD student council but a PhD student representative

*** Does not have any PhD student council nor a PhD student representative