The Doctoral Student Guild (Doktorandsektionen) is a non-profit
association for doctoral students at Chalmers University of Technology
(Chalmers) and shall work for unity among the members of the association
and their shared interests. The Doctoral Student Guild shall especially:
• Through representatives in the boards and committees of Chalmers
assure that the special interests of doctoral students are addressed.
• Create an awareness of the situation for doctoral students at all
levels at Chalmers.
• Provide a forum for contacts between doctoral students at Chalmers.
The Board members with other PhD student meet biannually for the General
Assembly and the represented Board members meet for a Board meeting 5-6
times a year. (For more information, visit: )
As DS Board member, you will get compensation, either as remuneration
from DS Board, or in form of department work hours (only if possible).
Anyone registered as a doctoral student at Chalmers and a member of
Chalmers Student Union is welcome to join the Doctoral Student Guild.
Besides the formal tasks you will have the informal task of being the
representative of Doctoral students especially in your department. Being
a representative means being visible in your department, and search out
for the people you represent.
Still thinking? Do you want to meet some of us, learn more about what we
do, or have a question we might be able to help you with? Or are you
interested in a position in our board? We would love to meet you!