We will meet on December 7 (next Wednesday!) at 18.30 at Rumpan Bar, Linnégatan 38b.
This meeting will be hosted by David Bryngelsson and Niclas Mattsson at the department of Energy and Environment at Chalmers. The theme is inspired by the ongoing climate summit in Durban. We plan to give a short introduction to the basics of climate change, discuss the challenges we face and why it is so hard to reach international agreement, and finally show you how we can change our energy system to deal with the problem.
Please RSVP by e-mail to Niclas, niclas@chalmers.se, and pre-order food from the following menu if you wish to eat. There is a limit to how many people we can squeeze in, so sign up quickly (and please cancel by e-mail if you get other plans)!
IMPORTANT!!! If you wish to receive more updates from the PhD network, please sign up to the PhD_pub mailing list by clicking the following link and entering your e-mail address. The traffic is expected to be low, likely no more than 1-3 messages per month. Only meeting organizers will be allowed to post. If you don’t wish to receive any e-mails, just ignore this message.
David & Niclas